Since at this point many have agreed that cold outreach on Telegram for web3 companies is extremely powerful and generates response rates of up to 51% for clients at Spredo the next question everyone shall be asking is how to find high-quality web3 Telegram contacts to outreach 😀
Web3 Telegram Communities
One of the fastest/simplest ways to find web3 Telegram contacts is through Telegram communities. If you know certain groups that discuss topics relevant to your web3 vertical and people discussing them are high-ranking business executives, most likely you have found yourself your first perfect Telegram group, packed with Telegram contacts of your ICP leads!
All you need to do now is either use a third-party tool or manually go through the list of people/messages in this group. There in their profile bio, most people will include information on the company they work for and their title. You can then even research their specific company in more nuance to determine if this person further falls into your web3 target audience.
How to Find Web3 Telegram Communities?
I bet now you're wondering how to find great Telegram communities and what kinds of tools/methods exist for this if you're starting from scratch.
Telegram Search
While it's quite an obvious and straightforward tool, you will be surprised how many BD and Sales professionals still do not use Telegram search to look for high-quality communities by keywords. You can use keywords describing a particular topic that people will be describing inside a group or the name of a conference.
Similar Groups
You can use either a third-party tool or rely on the Spredo team each Telegram group will show you a dozen similar groups related by an intersection in the audience. In other words, if a lot of people from one community are also in another community, the two groups are likely related and talk about similar topics.

Groups Which ICP User Is a Member Of
Before you start your research for ICP leads and Telegram groups, you might already have a small list of target contacts who are your ICP leads and you may wish to find more contacts of people similar to those leads and sharing similar industries or business interests. In this case, you can once more rely on external tools or the Spredo team to quickly identify which major Telegram groups each of these people on your list are members of. And then you can take a closer look at these groups to decide if their members match your target audience and proceed to collect their contacts.

Web3 Telegram Contacts Custom Research
If you are a web3 business and looking for a professional team who will conduct personalized research for Telegram ICP leads for your particular vertical, look no further than Spredo. Spredo team uses the same methods described above and their internally developed tools to conduct research like that and they have already helped dozens of web3 businesses with non-trivial ICP targets for cold outreach on Telegram. For other more straightforward cases in the web3 industry, customers can simply rely on the largest database of web3 decision-maker contacts created and maintained by Spredo.
Thanks! Stay tuned for future releases of FREE useful materials and if you have any questions about this article or any other pieces, don't hesitate to contact me on TG: @mordkovich199