Any Telegram outreach strategy, no matter how beautifully crafted from the viewpoint of the message structure or targeting parameters is useless unless you can send a certain required volume of messages to reach sustainability and conversion in terms of response rates, sales calls, and deals closing from outreach.
The biggest killer of volume and speed on Telegram is using low-quality, young, and unwarmed Telegram accounts. If the Telegram account you're planning to use for cold outreach has been recently created and doesn't have many chats/groups on it, it's very likely going to die or get limited in some shape or form by Telegram after you send just a few messages.
Imagine the agony of spending so much time preparing everything and getting completely cut off like that just after a few minutes of starting your outreach campaign!

Warmup Procedures For Telegram Accounts
All of it could have been avoided if only you had done Telegram accounts warmup procedures and prepared them themselves for outreach, like every other element of the outreach campaign.
Below we've listed the most efficient warming-up strategies for outreach Telegram accounts, which can be performed either manually by the person on your team or by an automated algorithm that can warm up hundreds of accounts simultaneously like Spredo does.
1️⃣ Send messages to your friends and ask them to respond to them or give different people multiple accounts and ask them to talk to each other through these accounts daily for at least 1-2 weeks, but ideally 1-2 months.
2️⃣ Remain online on all of these accounts so that chats are constantly being read and updated. This kind of activity validates that there is a real human behind this account.
3️⃣ Join groups and channels daily consistently, but regulate the number of new channels you join to 2-3 per day optimally as too many too fast can negatively affect the account.
4️⃣ Set up your accounts as soon as possible by putting names, photos, bios, etc. on them.
5️⃣ Engage in groups/communities daily by posting simple greetings and discussing various topics with other members.

It's very important to have a strategy when it comes to warming up Telegram accounts for cold outreach just like in other parts, such as target audience optimization or message design. It's a bit tricky to do it manually, although possible, however, you can rely on the industry leader Spredo to provide already warmed-up accounts for your outreach campaigns to save valuable time.
Thanks! Stay tuned for future releases of FREE useful materials and if you have any questions about this article or any other pieces, don't hesitate to contact me on TG: @mordkovich199